February 10, 2025 7:35 AM
American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) Company Logo

Thank you for being an AGA member. As an active member you can make your voice heard and choose your leaders for the next year. To access your ballot, please log in using the credentials noted in the email you received from executiveoffice@gastro.org. Depending on your eligibility you may see entries for the AGA Leadership (Governing Board and Nominating Committee) and/or AGA Institute Council Sections.  


Questions about AGA Leadership (Governing Board and Nominating Committee) elections should be sent to executiveoffice@gastro.org; and inquiries regarding council section elections should be sent to agacouncil@gastro.org. 


For technical support call Votenet Solutions at 1-866-984-3125 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EDT or email help@eballot.com. All messages will be returned within a business day. Please identify yourself with your full name and AGA membership ID number. 

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